Adored it
beat it but i just adore this gmae win cyclops gget blown away hahhhaah 10 rating loved it alot of times
Adored it
beat it but i just adore this gmae win cyclops gget blown away hahhhaah 10 rating loved it alot of times
Aheres a tp when u have a weapon like a golden gun shoot him like when hes 5 feet from the ground then shoot again when hes 5feet and he keeps going and going ^^ hope it helps
LOVE IT!!!!!!! IT WAS HARD to beat normal but thats casue im new at this game ;P 10rating
sorry for such a low rating but idk what to do after i find the mapp i found the key and spear andl ock but idk what to do after that
Its fun
Its fun its adicting if i were a fan of mario id be p.oed but its awesome the graphics are great the musci makes me feel liek im actually there ;P its good enough for a 10 star rating more better for younger ages but im 19 adn i love it :3
wtf a giant chicken -_- AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 stars ;P
holy taco who cares i love it so doese alot of ppl so jsut shut up its a honestly awesome game and i rate 10
Epicly Fun!! ;P
Age 32, Male
Ummmm lol?
Joined on 6/10/10